Child and society classes 2 junior group. "Hygiene is good for everyone." Abstract of the lesson in the second junior group. Elementary mathematical representations

Lesson summary

Educational area "Child and Society"

Tema: "We're all friends"


Early childhood education curriculum

To consolidate children's ideas about themselves and other people;

Develop skills of adapted behavior and communication;

Cultivate a desire to communicate with peers.

Program for the upbringing and education of children with SPD

To reinforce children's ideas about themselves;

Learn to say the name, surname;

Cultivate a desire to communicate.

Course progress.

1. Organizationalth part.

surprise moment(boy Geo).

Guys, today an unusual guest came to us from the purple forest - the boy Geo. Let's say hello to him. Raven Meter told him about friendly guys who go to the preschool center. Then Geo decided to go and look for these children and came to us.

Conversation with children.

Do you think Geo did the right thing by coming to us? (Yes)

In our group, all the guys are friendly.

Only Geo is a little sad, he wants to make friends with you so much, but he doesn’t know how to do it, because in the purple forest all his friends are fairy-tale heroes, but he doesn’t know how to be friends with real children.

2.Main part.


Guys, do you think we can help Geo? (Yes)

But how to do it?

Guys, where does friendship begin? (With a smile, dating).

Geo wants to meet you.

The game.

Let's get to know Geo in the game "My name is"

(Stand in a circle, pass the Acquaintance ball to each other with a kind smile and say your names).

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other

(Geo remembered all of us.)

And now we will tell Geo about our friends and how we are friends in our group.

Finger gymnastics.

Boys and girls are friends in our group.

We'll make friends, little fingers

Story based on pictures.

Children based on pictures talk about their friends.

Individual questions for children:

Tell me who is your friend?

Tell me how to play with friends?

What is the right way to ask for help?

We are friendly guys together, playing games, drawing, dancing, having fun, helping each other, trying not to quarrel, and if we quarreled, we immediately put up, make gifts to each other, say polite words.

Geo really wants to know what polite words mean.

The game "Wonderful bag".

Let's guys introduce him to these words so that he remembers them, uses them, and then put them in a magic bag.

(Children take turns approaching the bag and saying polite words).

What a heavy bag has become, how many words our friendly guys know. Here you are, Geo, our magic bag, learn and memorize these words, they will always come in handy.

Guys, would you like to make friends with Geo? (Yes)

I think that Geo will be happy to make friends with us, because the more friends you have, the more interesting and fun life is. And so that our friendship is strong, let's read the poem together.

Artistic word.

We are all friendly guys

We are preschool children

We don't offend anyone

How to take care, we know.

We will not leave anyone in trouble,

We will not take away, but we will ask.

May everyone be well

It will be joyful, light!

Guys, today we have a new friend, let's do something nice for him, for example, treat Geo with sweets.

What sweets can you give Geo? (candy, ice cream, cookies)

Let's make these sweets from a magic square (magic square)

Children make “treats” and call them (“I treat you…”)

Geo liked your treats very much, he thanks you, he liked being friends with us, but now Geo must return to his purple forest.

Let's say goodbye to him.

3.Final part.

Summary of the lesson.


What was interesting, new?

Used Books:

Voskobovich V.V., Kharkova T.G., Balatskaya T.I. Game technology for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children aged 3-7 years "Fairytale labyrinths of the game", book 2 "Description of games (1991-1999)". St. Petersburg 2003

Pazukhina I. Let's play! Training development of the world of social relationships of children 3-4 years old. - M .: "Childhood-Press", 2008

Shipitsina L. The ABC of communication: Development of the child's personality, communication skills with adults and peers (3-6 years). - M.: "Childhood-Press", 2008.

Victoria Tolstyak

Integrated classes in the educational field "Child and Society" in the 2nd junior group "Let's be friends."

Educator: Tolstyak Victoria Andreevna

State Educational Institution "Nursery Garden No. 7, Bereza"


To form in children the ability to establish good friendly relations, communication skills with each other;

Form ideas about the close environment;

Develop empathy in children

Develop the ability to correlate speech with movement in a finger game;

To consolidate ideas about the good and bad deeds of children in relation to each other;

To consolidate the ability to carefully spread glue on parts and stick them;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers, responsiveness;

Equipment: puppets, equipment for obstacles (gymnastic sticks, hoops, yellow cardboard circle, stencils of children's hands, glue, brushes, napkins, pictures depicting various situations of friendship and quarrel, balloons.

Course progress.

(Children enter the group, stand in a semicircle, dolls sit on chairs, turning away from each other.)

Morning circle:

Exercise "Call your neighbor affectionately"

Children pass the ball in a circle and call the neighbor an affectionate name.

Educator: Guys, look what happened to our dolls?

(Children's answers: they quarreled, turned away, quarreled.)

Educator: I quarreled with a friend, we no longer play with him

And we don’t talk to each other, we are no longer alone.

Each with his resentment sits alone all day.

Everyone talks about his offense incessantly.

Educator: Guys, do you want to make friends with our dolls? (Children's answers: yes, we want.) Do you have friends in the group? Name who your friend (girlfriend) is. What is friendship?

(Children's answers: when they don't quarrel, play together, hold hands, help each other, share toys, sweets, etc.)

Educator: Now we will play the game "Yes-no". I will show you pictures, and you will tell me “yes” if the children in the picture are friends and “no” if they are not friends.

The game "Yes-no with pictures."

Educator: Friendship is when people want to be together, play together, do not quarrel, share everything. Friendship is the smiles of friends.

Here we are in kindergarten as one big friendly family, and the teachers are like parents.

The game is an imitation of "Mood".

Educator: Let's smile with you (children smile).

And now we feel sad, frown (children frown).

Guys, when we frown, we are sad, and when we smile, we feel so good, joyful. Smile to our dolls. Maybe they will also be happy and they will want to make peace?

Physical education "Three bears".

Three bears were walking home Children are walking in place waddling

Dad was big. Raise your arms above your head, pull up.

Mom is smaller with him, Hands at chest level.

And the son is just a baby. Sit down.

He was very small, Crouching, swinging like a bear.

Walked with rattles. Stand up, hands in front of the chest clenched into fists.

ding ding, ding ding. Children imitate playing with rattles.

And now we will show our guests how friendly we are, and we are not afraid of any obstacles. We have a "path of friendship" in the group. It is necessary, holding hands, helping each other, to pass it in pairs.

Mobile game "We can't live without each other."

(The teacher puts several obstacles in the way of the children and shows how to pass with one child as an example. The children, turning to face each other, hold each other's hands and overcome obstacles: step over ribbons, hoops.

Educator: Here we played with you, our legs are tired.

We will go to the chairs and rest a little. (Children sit down.)

Educator: Look, guys, have our dolls reconciled? (Children's answers: not yet.) Then we will show them that not only girls and boys are friendly in our group, but our fingers are also friendly.

Finger game "Friendly fingers".

They are friends in our group (fingers in the lock, bend and

Girls and boys. straighten them)

We will make friends with you, (connect your fingertips

Little fingers. both hands)

One, two, three, four, five (clap each pair of

One, two, three, four, five (shake brushes)

Educator: So our hands and fingers warmed up, as if from the sun. Warm, kind, friendly, like friendship. Look at this sun. What is it? (Children's answers: yellow, round, large) What is missing from the sun? (Children answer: rays) That's right! Where do we get rays? Maybe these will fit? (Shows cut-out stencils of children's hands.) What is this? (Children's answers: our palms.) Do they look like rays of the sun? (Children answer: yes) Let's glue our friendly palms to the sun instead of rays.

Application: "The sun of friendship."

(Collective work on gluing their palms to the sun. Children do the work, then wipe their hands with napkins.)

(We get up in a semicircle, the teacher pays attention to the dolls).

Educator: Look, guys, our dolls are smiling at each other, they are happy. Here are our dolls and reconciled! Now let's join hands and make a big friendly round dance, smile at each other and dance.

Game "YES - NO"

To value our friendship? (Yes Yes)

Will we learn to play? (Yes Yes)

Will we help a friend? (Yes Yes)

Need to annoy a friend? (no no)

And give a smile? (Yes Yes)

Is it worth hurting a friend? (no no)

How about resolving disputes? (Yes Yes)

Will we be strong friends? (Yes Yes)

Dance "Smile"

Educator: Let's be friendly, kind, and never quarrel!

Look at our dolls, how friendly they are, let's hug you so that they can see once again how friendly we are.

And in parting, the dolls have prepared a surprise for you. (there are balls in the box, the children put the pen in the box and take out the ball)

Related publications:

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Purpose: - to involve children in joint activities with an adult. -to form children's interest in knowledge about vegetables Tasks: 1. Learn to answer.

Completed by the educator
1 classification category
Vdovina S. G.

Target: Formation of ideas in children about various forms of polite communication.

Program tasks:

  • Develop emotional intelligence in preschoolers.
  • Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions.
  • Develop coherent, dialogic, intonational, expressive speech, consolidate the ability to use polite words.
  • Develop artistry.

Preliminary work.

Social and communicative development: Drawing up a story on the topic: "Polite puppy.", "Our good deeds." Reading V. Oseev "Magic words"; S. Marshak "Lesson of politeness"; Fairy tale "Two Greedy Little Bears".

Cognitive development:

Didactic game: "Box of good deeds"

Conversation on the topic: "On good and bad deeds."

We looked at posters: "Be polite.", "Etiquette for little ones."

Role-playing games: "Shop", "Hospital", "And we have guests."

Speech development:

Dictionary work (etiquette, at the same time, magic words.)

Memorizing proverbs, guessing riddles.

Artistic and Aesthetic Development:

Drawing: “Gift for Mom” (napkin); "The sun is happy, the sun is sad."; coloring coloring pages.

Application: "Sunshine"

Modeling: "Exhibition of dishes" (table setting)

Design: "Furniture for guests."

Physical development:

Outdoor games: "Help a friend", "The sea is worried", "Catch up - say a polite word."

Equipment: a house, 2 trees, a mask (cows), toys (a cat, a hedgehog, a piglet, a cockerel, a chicken, a squirrel, a calf, a cow). A scarf for a girl.

Course progress.

Educator: Hello! Guys say hello to our guests. Today we will remember and tell the guests about the magic words that help people live together.

Children, have you ever been to the country of polite words?

Children: No.

AT: Do you want to visit there?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Let's go to the land of polite words.

Children: Let's.

Educator: Turn to the window. Close your eyes.

(Fairytale music sounds, the teacher puts on a fairy costume.)

Educator: Open your eyes.

Fairy: Hello children. You are in the country of polite words. And I am a fairy of this wonderful country.

Adults and children know

Many words in the world!

And with magic words

We are walking the world with you!

Tell me, what are those magic words?

Children answer: Thank you, please forgive, excuse me, hello, goodbye, etc.

And every word has its place.

Fairy: Thank you guys!

Why do people call polite words magic words?

Children: Because polite words make people kinder.

Fairy: Correctly!

Polite words are like little wizards. Faces light up at these words. People begin to relate better to the one who utters these words. Polite words help people communicate with each other, treat each other better.

Please remember with what word we welcome and wish health?

Children: Hello!

Fairy: Right! Kind people, especially children, are happy to greet everyone in the world. We greet and seem to sow good. Good, which then returns to us.

It's such a little secret, you need to know it. (Highlight in voice.)

Children, look, who is sitting there under a tree. Let's see.

Children: Hedgehog.

Fairy: What should you say to the hedgehog?

Children: Hello hedgehog.

Fairy: Guys, let me read you two poems, how the guys communicate with the hedgehog. And you tell me which conversation you liked more. And why?

Listen carefully.


Hello, hedgehog by the path!

You are in the grass and I am in the dust.

I stretch my hands to you

You don't prick me.

(turn to the hedgehog louder than necessary, with a challenge.)

Listen, hedgehog by the road!

You are in the grass and I am in the dust.

Take your feet faster

And don't prick me!

So which conversation did you enjoy the most?

The children answer.

Fairy: Well done. And let's let the hedgehog go, let him run on. Goodbye hedgehog.

Imagine that animals in my country can also talk to us. Listen to the girl talking to the cow.

Girl: Where was the cow?

Cow: Far away.

Girl: Cow, what did you bring?

Cow: Milk.

Girl: Thank you for bringing so much!

Cow: You won't find a tastier milk than my milk!

Girl: I love fresh milk, cow's!

Cow: Please, dear, drink to your health!

Fairy: What were the magic words here?

Children:"Thank you" and "Please"

Fairy: And there was also a magical wish "To your health!" To the one who ate, drank and said "thank you", we answer.

Children:" Please"

Fairy: Can you say "please" instead?

Children:"To health"

Fairy: Ouch! Who is crying. Let's see. (Tanya, look who's crying there.)

Tanya: This is a kitten.

Fairy: Guys ask the kitten. Why is he crying?

Kitty: The girl offended me.

Fairy: Guys, if someone accidentally offends someone, what should he do?

Children: Ask for forgiveness, apologize, etc.

Fairy: Yes, well done!

And who will ask for forgiveness from a kitten? And he will tell us a poem with the magic word "Sorry."

I'm sorry, kitty

What drove you away!

I'm probably awake

Understood nothing!

I was awake

Don't be angry kitty!

Fairy: Well done. Look, the kitten is happy. You kitten are no longer offended by a girl.

Kitty: No.

Fairy: Let's say goodbye to the kitten.

Children: Goodbye.

Fairy: The story with the kitten happened to the girls and boys who were visiting their grandparents. And when they returned home, what magic word did they say goodbye to their friends, birds and animals?

Children:" Goodbye."

Fairy: Now listen how wonderful it was.

1st child.

Goodbye, goslings!

And funny pigs!

Goodbye, cock!

And fluffy chicken!

2nd child.

Goodbye, a hundred tracks

On which the hedgehog roams!

It's a pity you can't see it behind the pine

Red squirrel mischievous!

3rd child.

I say goodbye to the kitten.

And with a cow. And with a calf.

I'm going to the city, I'm going home!

I will come to you in winter!

Fairy: Well done boys! We said goodbye to everyone and didn't forget anyone.

But when the boys and girls returned home, they told all their relatives and friends ...

Children:" Hello!"

Fairy: And when they sat down at the table, they wished everyone ...

Children: Enjoy your meal!

Fairy: And when they ate, they said ...

Children: Thank you!

Fairy: And in the evening the guys went up to their toys and quietly said ...

Children: Good night, sweet dreams.

Fairy: Great, well done guys. You all know the magic words so well. I really believe and hope that these magic words will always be with you!

Your journey through the country of polite words ends, it's time for you to return to kindergarten.

While you're on the road, sing the song "What is etiquette?"

What is etiquette?

We will now answer:

These are the rules.

You need to know them from an early age!

What to say when to enter

How to behave at a party

What's with the magic words
Do at home and on the go.

If you become polite

And be educated

That always and everywhere will be

Respect and love you!

Here we are in kindergarten. Guys say goodbye to our guests.

Title: Summary of the lesson on etiquette in the 2nd junior group "Journey to the camp of polite words"
Nomination: Lecture notes, GCD / etiquette

Position: teacher of the first category
Place of work: MKDOU Kindergarten "Rodnichok"
Location: Novosibirsk region, Iskitimsky district, with. Lebedevka

Summary of the lesson in the second junior group

(educational area "Child and Society", "Development of Speech and Culture of Speech Communication")

Topic:"Our Helpers"

Program content:

1. To form ideas in children about the parts of the human body, the sense organs of hearing, sight, smell, touch.

2. To promote the development of the ability to find similarities and differences between the doll and the child.

5. Cultivate the ability to positively relate to yourself and others.

Lesson progress:

Organizational part

Educator: Nastya doll came to visit us. say hello kids

(children greet)

Educator: Why doesn't Nastya answer?

Children: This is a doll, she cannot speak.

Educator: That's right, the doll is not alive. But there are dolls that can talk. If I put it down and tell you to come up to you, do you think it will fit?

(Answers of children).

Educator: (leads the doll and tells) The road from the stove to the threshold is difficult, from the threshold to the table is also very difficult. And you say that the Nastya doll will not work, you see it is coming. Does she go by herself?

Children: No, you lead, one cannot.

Educator: So why can't Nastya walk, talk, but we can?

Children: No!

Educator: What can a small child do?

Children: Cry, crawl, walk, laugh, smile, suck, sit.

Educator: (conclusion) Yes, Nastya is a doll, not a person. It is not alive, but made of a certain material. Man is a living being.

Educator: Why, when you play, do you call the doll a daughter?

Children: She looks like a small child.

Main part

Educator: And we have a girl, her name is Alyonushka.

Educator: How are we like a doll?

(Answers of children).

Teacher: Name the parts of the body. The head is the largest part of the body, it is located at the top, the torso is large., The hands are in the middle, so that everything can be reached from above and below. The legs support the body. Both the person and the doll have these body parts.

Conclusion: That's why we call the doll a daughter, a daughter. After all, she has as many body parts as you and I.

Game "My body"

Educator: Repeat after me and show what we will talk about.

Head - nightingale, ears - naughty,

Forehead - bobik, nose - apricot,

Cheeks - lumps, sponges - doves,

Teeth - oaks, eyes - paints,

Eyelashes - sisters, Hangers - grasshoppers,

Handles - grips, fingers - boys,

The belly is a watermelon, the back is a reed,

Knees - logs, Legs - boots!

So we figured out what our body consists of.

Educator: We have assistants who help us in everything. Let's check if it is?

Game "Find the doll": close their eyes, the teacher hides the doll. (What assistant helped us find? - Eyes

The game "Who called"(assistants - ears)

The game "What's in them" (bubbles - assistant - nose)

Let's feel the glass with our fingers. Glass - cold, fur - fluffy, battery - warm) Assistants - fingers, skin.

Educator: That's how many helpers we have. Let's, guys, call our helpers again: eyes, ears, nose, skin, tongue. And the arms, legs, head are also our helpers.

With their help, we learn everything about the world around us: we see, hear, smell, touch. They will help all their lives, so they need to be protected and taken care of.

Abstract of the lesson on moral and patriotic education, the second junior group, the topic “My family”

Material Description: I present to your attention the "Summary of a lesson on moral and patriotic education, the second junior group, the topic" My family ".
This summary of the cognitive lesson is aimed at the moral and patriotic education of children of primary preschool age.
It will be useful for educators of younger groups of preschool educational institutions.
Abstract of the lesson on moral and patriotic education in the second junior group Theme "My family".
Kind of activity: speech development
Age group: second junior group
Topic:"My family"
Program content:
1. Systematize children's ideas about the family
2. To educate the child's attachment to his home, love and caring attitude towards his family members. 3. Develop the ability to express your feelings in relation to loved ones; develop a dialogical form of speech.
Demo material:
doll house
Pictures of family members
Magic chest
medicine ball
Cardboard hearts.
Family pictures
Reading fiction:
L. Voronkova "My family".
Didactic game:
Call it kindly.
Role-playing games:
Building a house
Finger games. My family, Dom.
Course of the lesson:
educate l: In the morning the kids got up In their kindergarten came Guests here with us in the morning, Say hello to friends! Children: Hello!
educate l: And now, I'll say hello to you again! Game "Hello guys!"
Educator: Hello guys! Are you guys piglets? (No) Are you guys kittens? (No) You guys are goats? (No) Who are you? You have a name.
D children:Yes
educate eh :
Come on, come on, don't be silent and tell me and name them as soon as possible!
Children: Children say their name by passing the object to each other.
caregiver: Well, now our guests know that you are not goats and kittens, but children who have
there is a name. Guys, what kind of house is standing here, and the light is on in the window Let's look at it, repeat after me Finger game "House"
The house has a roof, (Hands in a triangle above the head.) The house has a door, (palms in front of the chest.) And the door has a lock: (Cross the fingers of the palms into a fist.) Who could open it? (They twisted their fingers crossed into the castle.) Knock-Knock-Knock, knock-knock-knock, open - I'm your friend! (Fist tapping on the palm.)
caregiver: Nobody opens something, I knock again: knock-knock-knock! (The teacher knocks on the door of the house, Masha's doll appears from it.) Hello Masha! What a beautiful house you have! Who do you live with? Masha: Hello guys, listen to the poem and find out: I have a mother, I have a father, I have a grandfather, I have a grandmother, I have a brother, And they have me. This is my whole family.
Children : Family Masha: That's right, well done, I live in this house with my own. We live together, help and care for each other. Q: You know, Masha, each of our children also has seven! Really guys?
Children: Yes
Educator: Masha, sit down on a chair, the guys and I will tell you today about
Educator: Now I will give you a riddle, and you guys will tell Masha who she is talking about: Who is the most tender in the world? Who cooks dinner for us? And who do children love so much? And who is not more beautiful? Who reads books at night? Doesn't he scold me and my brother? Who is this?
D: Our mother.
Educator: That's right, mom! (She puts a picture of her mother on the easel.) You love your mother!
Children: Yes
Educator: Guys, look what a magic chest I have. Let's fill the chest with affectionate words for mom. I will open the chest: your words will fly and fill it. So, let's begin! What mom?
Educator: Well done! That's how many wonderful words we have collected in a magic chest. In the meantime, we will close it so that our words are not confused and forgotten. Physical education minute: One, two, three, four, (clap hands) Who lives in my apartment? (stomp on the spot) One, Two, three, four, five (jumping in place) Dad, Mom, brother, sister, ( clap your hands) Cat Murka, two kittens, (tilt to the right, left)
My puppy is a cricket and I (turns to the right and to the left) Here, and my whole family! (clap hands)
Educator: Guys, I’ll read you another poem, and you tell me who it is about: Can he play football, Can he read a book to you, Can he catch fish, Fix the faucet in the kitchen Can he give you a ride Instead of a fast horse For you is always a hero The best .. .(dad) mine.
V: Well done! Of course, this is dad. (Educator: puts a picture of dad on the easel.) Guys, do you love dad?
Children: Yes. And now let's open our magic chest and collect affectionate words for the Pope into it .. Dad, what kind?
Children: Children's answers. (Brave, caring, skillful, hard-working, beautiful, cheerful, strong)
caregiver: Well done boys! You picked up a lot of good words for dad. Let's close our chest now, it will still be useful to us.
Educator: Goodbye, Masha, come visit us again.